Sprachreisen 2025: Plätze werden knapp! Jetzt individuell beraten lassen und über Verfügbarkeiten informieren! Platzvergabe bis 27.3✈️


EF Intensiv Kurs

Beschleunigtes Sprachenlernen durch intensives Lernen.


32 Lektionen/Woche (40 Minuten pro Lektion)

16 Allgemeinsprachliche Lektionen

10 Wahlfach Lektionen

4 Projekt Lektionen

2 Vorlesungen

  • Starttermine:

    Jeden Montag, das ganze Jahr

  • Niveau:

    Beginner bis Fortgeschritten

Experience-based learning

Make maximum progress during your stay abroad and learn to speak and write with confidence. This course is highly recommended for students who want to learn a language as quickly as possible for academic reasons. You'll have 32 morning and afternoon lessons a week, with a total tuition time of 21 hours and 20 minutes.

Immersive lessons

General language lessons build your grammar and vocabulary through a combination of digital learning and classroom-based lessons. Project sessions will help you further improve your research and communication skills through practical work tailored to your interests.

Available in

London, Oxford, Bournemouth, Cambridge, Manchester, Brighton, Bristol, Dublin, Malta St. Julian’s, New York, Boston, Miami Beach, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Seattle, Honolulu, Toronto, Vancouver Island, Vancouver, Auckland, Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, Singapore, Nice, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Malaga, Playa Tamarindo, Tokyo, Seoul.

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