Die Verwendung von "Stop"
Stop + Gerundium bedeutet, daß eine laufende Aktion beendet wird. Es gibt zeischen den zwei Verben keinen Kausalzusammenhang.
- I stopped working for them last year.
- I have stopped cycling to work.
- Could you stop bringing your dog to the office?
- He stopped eating meat in January.
Stop + Infinitiv bedeutet, eine Beschäftigung zu unterbrechen, um etwas anderes zu tun. Der Infinitive drückt den Sinn des stoppens aus.
- I stopped to have lunch at 12:00.
- It's difficult to concentrate on what you are doing if you have to stop to answer the phone every five minutes.
- We stopped to look at the wildflowers.
- I stopped to take a break, but I'll start again soon.